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How to Avoid Falling Victim to Online Scams in 2023

There are many online scams that took place in 2022 and may continue in 2023. Be sure to use common sense when interacting online, and do not give out personal information or money transfers without verifying. In this blog, we will discuss some common scams people get lured into and how to stay protected. So without further ado, let us dive in!

Disaster relief charity fraud

The National Fraud Intelligence Bureau (NFIB) has warned that scammers use social media pages of legitimate charities to scam donors. To avoid falling victim to online scams, the organization suggests donating only through trusted organizations and ensuring that you are giving is worthwhile. As part of its scammer prevention campaign, Action Fraud has also issued a warning on online scams. The charity organization recommends that individuals do their due diligence when making charitable donations and be wary of claims made by charities. It advises individuals to check the charity registration number and navigate directly to the charity website rather than following email links.

Email invoices and online payments

  1. Ensure any emails about payments or invoices are from a legitimate source before making any payments.
  2. Do not click on any suspicious links in emails. Go directly to the website of the company or organization in question.
  3. Be aware of fake websites or search engine pages that contain malicious links.
  4. Look out for one-in-a-lifetime offers that may entice you to click on suspicious links.
  5. Be vigilant and be aware of different types of internet fraud, such as phishing, data breaches, malware, internet auction fraud, and credit card fraud.

By being aware of these scams and staying wary of them, you can avoid becoming a victim of online scams in 2023.

Student Loan Forgiveness Scams

If you are a student loan borrower, you are highly susceptible to scammer attacks. Take caution when applying for student loan forgiveness schemes. Do not fall prey to any student loan online scammer. Legitimate student loan programs only allow borrowers for federal student loan forgiveness after a period of repayment. Besides, the eligibility criteria are strict, and no fee is attached. To avoid falling victim to these scammer attacks, always be careful while dealing with student loans. Also, be wary of scams such as unsolicited scholarships and grants as they may be attempts to charge fees or proprietary information.

Instead, seek information from reliable sources such as your bank or an educational loan adviser before deciding.

Employment scams

Among online scams in 2022, Employment scams were more common due to the prevalence of online fraud. With text messages and emails appearing to be from well-known companies, scammers target to lure people into funding their illegitimate activities. As with investment scams, fake checks are often used in employment scams. Job scams can involve promises of easy income and high pay once you purchase their program.

Cryptocurrency Scams

Cryptocurrency scams were common in 2021 and will continue through 2022 and 2023. This prevelance is due to the increasing popularity of cryptocurrency, which has made it an attractive scam target for scammers. In addition, the decentralized nature of cryptocurrency makes it difficult for regulators to intervene and stop fraudulent activity.

Also, cryptocurrency offers some anonymity that can make it easy for scam operators to attract victims with false promises of high returns or investment opportunities. Despite the increasing number of scam reports, few major cryptocurrency scams hae been reported in the media recently. However, people 18-59 were nearly twice as likely as older adults to report a loss on a fake check scam in 2021, suggesting that they are more susceptible to cryptocurrency scams than other ages groups.

Emmert et al (2018) conducted a survey among online college students in 2015-16 and found that bitcoin was often used as payment method when purchasing online goods. They also noted that scammer target older generations over young ones because they tend to have more money and experience online shopping. On the other hand, scammer might target young ones because they are likely to be less cautious online shopping. As frauds are becoming more common, people must be careful while shopping online and avoid falling victim to scammer tricks.

Stay Updated!

To stay updated on the latest cybersecurity news and avoid falling victim to online scams in 2023, you can keep your computer off when not in use to reduce your risk of being attacked by hackers and identity thieves. Another step to prevent online scams is to stay informed of the latest cybersecurity news. By staying up-to-date on the latest developments in cybersecurity, you can better understand scammer tactics and recognize fake messages. If you have been scammed, report it to the police and flag the email as spam. Another way to prevent online scams is to perform a password reset to any accounts where you’ve used the password mentioned in the scam email. Additionally, you can enable two-factor authentication (2FA) and install anti-virus software to keep it updated. By taking these simple steps, you can help protect yourself from online scams in 2023. For professional assistance, you can contact IT Services League City Experts anytime.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the latest scams going around?

Romance scams are one of the most popular scams circulating online. In 2021, scam victims lost $547 million, up 80% from 2020. Most of these scams involve people being contacted by phone scammers who pretend to have victims’ family members and ask for money.

Phone scammers are also using text message scams to install malicious apps on victims’ phones or lead them to phishing sites. Phishing scams involve social engineering where scammers use deceptive text messages and emails to trick victims into giving out sensitive information.

Fake job opportunities are also becoming more common and scam victims are often led to phishing sites where they’re asked to provide personal information or deposit money.

How are people being targeted online by scammers?

One of the most common ways that people are being targeted online by scammers is through fake scholarship scams. These scams promise students a free scholarship or financial aid prize if they provide personal information like their name, email address, and social security number.

Scammers use these personal details to steal money from the victims by transferring the funds to bank accounts or fictitious companies.

Next on the list of scammer tactics is fake job offers. These scams offer job applicants high salaries, but require them to pay for training fees and sometimes move to another city.

Another common scammer tactic is discount coupons. These scams promise consumers a discount on future purchases, but instead leave them with cancelled orders or unpaid bills.

Finally, scammers targeting people online often use identity theft as a scammer’s main tool. Scammers Target Youth Easier Than Older Adults because They Are Naive About Fraud

What is the best way to protect yourself from online scams in 2023?

In 2023, there will still be scammers out there looking to take advantage of vulnerable people. So, for your protection, follow these tips:

Learn to recognize common scam formats and always contact customer support if you receive unexpected correspondence.

2. Do not share personal information, usernames, passwords, or one-time codes with anyone you don’t trust. .

3. Enable multifactor authentication for accounts that offer it.

4. Research companies before making a purchase or donation.

5. Keep your computer software updated, practice safe browsing habits, and use unique passwords for all accounts.


So, while there is nothing you can do to prevent scams from taking place, keeping updated on scam warnings and security hacks will help keep you out of danger. Everyone should be aware that email scams are just a way for criminals to get information from their potential targets. They use social media platforms or phone calls to contact their targets and get personal information. If you receive an email claiming to be from a bank, government agency, or other organization, follow the instructions in the email carefully and report it as soon as possible.